
We continue to be environmentally sustainable in our business operations to preserve our planet’s resources. Our Sustainability Framework incorporates Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) relevant factors into our business operations by aligning business strategy and decision making to deliver sustainable practices while also balancing our economic aspirations for our people and communities.

Our Focus Areas:

Energy Minimisation

Reduce energy usage of natural gas, fuel and purchased electricity.

Hydrogen Usage

Increases use of hydrogen as a non-carbon fuel source for energy production in operations.

GHG Emission

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing overall energy usage in all forms.

Material Efficiency

Maximise the conversion of raw materials used in our products to increase material efficiency lifespan.


Reduce process waste (non-hazardous & hazardous) and system waste, and apply new waste disposal technology (where applicable).

Product Circularity

Develop solutions to recover and recycle our products and extend the life of the materials we produce.


Reduce overall consumption of water through conservation, recycling and reuse.

Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is a key aspect of our sustainability efforts. We actively engage with the local community through various programmes in order to contribute positively to the community.